Havel Ruck Projects, LLC

Havel Ruck Projects, LLC

Worked on Radio Tave

About the Collective

Havel Ruck Projects is an artist collaborative that works in public and quasi-public environments to re-purpose architectural structures, remnants, and materials of little perceived market value, atypical of most art fabrication. By reorganizing the physical construction of unremarkable spaces and places, their interventions bring attention and recognition to under-appreciated and ordinary buildings and their histories, giving viewers opportunities to assess their presence in such uncommon physical built spaces.

“Havel Ruck Projects is the epitome of public art and place-making in the 21st Century. Their projects ask questions about stories of place, histories, and communities, rather than simply offering answers. In an environment where architecture is being torn down as quickly as it is put up, Havel Ruck Projects’ extraordinary installations bring back to life the cultural and/or historical characteristics of a community, which are being lost at an alarming rate. Their projects challenge the unforgiving nature of urban development, as well as inspire a new generation of artists to engage with Houston’s history and make public art that is greater than the sum of its parts.” - Jennifer Ash, Executive Director, Art League Houston

"The originality of Havel Ruck Projects stands outside of the cultural norm and is certainly at odds with the commercialization of the present day art world. Their projects express emotions that are haunting without being menacing. They are temporal and dreamlike." - Jim Edwards, art critic and historian.