My First Studio 0
My First Studio 1
My First Studio 2

The Real Unreal

My First Studio

Located in Neon Kingdom

The concept for this experience is to submerge the audience into the environment of my first studio, my childhood home. Growing up I was constantly drawing in my bedroom on sheets of college-ruled paper with office and school supplies. By the window sill, my mother had a lucky bamboo in a vase, and within that vase was a little beta fish. Along with the fish, one of my first pets was an iguana that was kept in a terrarium that I would constantly look at and draw, it was like I had my very own dinosaur. I was always interested in dinosaurs, having grown up on Jurassic Park and The Land Before Time, so they were constant subjects that appeared in my drawings as a kid.
When you’re a little kid, everything around you seems so big, but as you grow up, you realize how small things are. I want to subvert that and make these seemingly small moments large to adult eyes. This is my way of bringing people into my world and making the seemingly mundane exciting and vibrant.

My First Studio Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the Neon Kingdom Anchor Space in the The Real Unreal Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors