Galactic Autoquarium 0
Galactic Autoquarium 1
Galactic Autoquarium 2
Galactic Autoquarium 3
Galactic Autoquarium 4
Galactic Autoquarium 5
Galactic Autoquarium 6
Galactic Autoquarium 7
Galactic Autoquarium 8
Galactic Autoquarium 9

Convergence Station

Galactic Autoquarium

Located in Numina

Welcome to the "Galactic Autoquarium", an ancient, inter-dimensional residential community of the Great Robofish deities. Don't let their cute and dinky looks fool you, for our fishy overlords have overseen humanity since the beginning of history, baring powerful wisdoms you shall uncover. Decipher their puzzles as you explore this celestial ocean of a mirror room to unlock the secrets of life--and who knows, maybe you'll even hear them straight from the Robofish's mouth.

Galactic Autoquarium Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the Numina Anchor Space in the Convergence Station Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors