Indigenous Futurist Dreamscapes Lounge 0
Indigenous Futurist Dreamscapes Lounge 1
Indigenous Futurist Dreamscapes Lounge 2

Convergence Station

Indigenous Futurist Dreamscapes Lounge

Located in C Street

Dedicated to the life and art of Stevon Lucero (1949 - 2021)

The Indigenous Futurist Dreamscapes Lounge grows out of Chicano consciousness, and is informed by Toltec and Mexica worldviews. It bends past and future, and blends the waking world with the dreaming world. The Dreamscapes Lounge is a space for intergalactic travelers to land safely and dream about what is possible. 

The Dreamscapes Lounge combines visual art, film, music, storytelling and design. It is multi-ethnic, multi-sensory, and intergenerational. We want people to think about the knowledge and historical contributions of Indigenous people from around the world. More so, we want people to think about the future, and what it means to Re-Indigenize the planet. We want people to think about their connection to mother earth, and we want people to fall into their imaginations and dreams. 

Indigenous Futurist Dreamscapes Lounge Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the C Street Anchor Space in the Convergence Station Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors