The Vacuformed Trash Bags exist within the Gremlin Symphony, where all of C Street's trash ends up. They are suspended hard polycarbonate sculptures that trick the eye into believing they are soft bags full of mysterious contents lining the walls of the room.
Vacuformed Trash Bags + Trash Can Sculpture Contributors
The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.
You’re on a project page within the C Street Anchor Space in the Convergence Station Exhibition.
Creative Leads
- Aubrey Schwartz Lead Artist
- David Mcpherson Lead Artist
Creative Contributors
- Becky Neil Technical Integrator
- Chaz John Artist
- Conor Peterson Technical Integrator
- Emilio Pincheira Paint Specialist
- Jake Snider Lighting Designer
- Joseph Yatsky Production Designer
- Joshua Myers Production Manager
- Karen Lembke Artist
- Nassal Show Fabrication Vendor
- Taylor Hedum Technical Integrator
- Zach Sawan Artist