A lanky, arch shaped creature - a sort of long bear sloth - stands on or “hangs from” a climbable mound. The creature’s brightly colored fur covers most of the body and comes part way down its long legs, the lower, reachable length of leg is smooth and shiny and patterned like birch trees or elephant skin.
The Bearret Contributors
The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.
You’re on a project page within the Numina Anchor Space in the Convergence Station Exhibition.
Creative Leads
- Caity Kennedy Lead Artist
Creative Contributors
- Charles Maul Senior Fabricator
- Emmanuelle John Artist
- Jon Haas Lighting Designer
- Julia Strauss CAD Designer
- K80 Correll CAD Design Manager (Computer-Aided Design)
- Karen Lembke Artist
- Naomi Gibbons Production Manager
- Parker Jennings CAD Designer
- Zach Sawan Artist