Visitors can experience an ordinary janitor closet come to life and reach its zaniest potential by journeying through four iterations of this room!
Janitor Closet Portal Contributors
The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.
You’re on a project page within the Omega Mart Anchor Space in the Omega Mart Exhibition.
Creative Leads
- Cole Bee Wilson Lead Artist
- Kiki Johnson Lead Artist
- Sandra Wang Art Director
Creative Contributors
- Benjamin Wright Sound Creative Lead
- Emilio Pincheira Paint Specialist
- Emily Montoya Artist
- Evan Greenwald CAD Designer
- Jaelah Kuehmichel Muralist
- K80 Correll CAD Designer
- Kate Russell Content Creator
- Lysander Cramer Concept Artist
- Matthew "Roz" Rosvold Lighting Designer
- Max Blake Fabricator
- Parker Jennings CAD Designer
- Paul Groetzinger Sound Designer
- Scott Geary Content Contributor
- Zach Sawan Paint & Pigment Specialist