The Goblin Computer is a machine that grew from minerals and magic.
No one knows if it was originally cultivated or began spontaneously.
The Goblin Computer is likely conscious, though possibly more like a tree consciousness than an animal mind.
Goblins (of unknown identity or location) tend and manipulate the Computer for unknown, very long term ends.
Goblin Computer Contributors
The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.
You’re on a project page within the Seven Monolith Village Anchor Space in the Omega Mart Exhibition.
Creative Leads
- Caity Kennedy Lead Artist
- Cat Mills-Flegal Lead Artist
Creative Contributors
- Beach House Sound Designer
- Benjamin Wright Sound Creative Lead
- Brandy Oleson Digital Fabrication Specialist
- Cathy Laughlin Lighting Designer
- Dre' Gallegos Lead Technical Fabricator
- Emmanuelle John Sculptor
- Geoffrey Banzhof Senior Fabricator
- James Stodgel Sculptor
- K80 Correll CAD Design Manager (Computer-Aided Design)
- Karen Lembke Sculptor
- Kiki Johnson Sculptor
- Kristen Keilman Technical Fabricator
- Rafael Morales-Silva Sculptor
- Shakti Howeth Artist
- Stephanie Kitts Sculptor
- William Robison Digital Fabricator