The Woven Crystal Cave 0
The Woven Crystal Cave 1
The Woven Crystal Cave 2
The Woven Crystal Cave 3
The Woven Crystal Cave 4
The Woven Crystal Cave 5
The Woven Crystal Cave 6
The Woven Crystal Cave 7
The Woven Crystal Cave 8

House of Eternal Return

The Woven Crystal Cave

Located in Art City

When creating this installation, I was thinking of how different colors and blocks of texture interact with each other and build upon one another to create a mass of singular woven pieces. Each weaving made for this room has its own defining traits and is tailored to fit on the ceiling and into specific areas surrounding the colored crystals on the walls. The materials used to create these weavings are pipe cleaners, balloons, saran wrap and different multi-colored textured yarns. These items reflect back to my childhood memories and desire to keep the emotions from those experiences alive in the present day.

My process while working on this project involved making a set of different sized weavings ranging from small to large in width and length. These woven pieces were then morphed together to create a larger interactive fiber mural for the space. In total, I created 190 weavings to fill the room. My hope for this project is for the viewer to have a place to let go of their current reality and, in doing so, explore their own subconscious memories and childlike wonderment in the space.

The Woven Crystal Cave Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the Art City Anchor Space in the House of Eternal Return Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors