A stacked pyramid of Camel's Sop cans, topped by a majestic Canmel. When one of the display cans is disturbed, the tin dromedary collapses into a dejected heap, but all is not lost. Within moments the tenacious creature gathers its strength and stands back up with its head held high. Truly an inspiration to us all.
Canmel Contributors
The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.
You’re on a project page within the Omega Mart Anchor Space in the Omega Mart Exhibition.
Creative Leads
- Emily Montoya Lead Artist
Creative Contributors
- Adam Rosen Fabricator
- Brian Kim Creative Engineer
- Brian Mayhall Sound Designer
- Cathy Laughlin Senior Exhibitions Creative Engineer
- Cristofer Brodsky Senior Fabricator
- Curtis Lee Artist
- Geoffrey Banzhof Senior Fabricator
- Karen Lembke Artist
- Scott Hastings Fabricator
- Shakti Howeth Artist
- Sofia Howard Installation Support
- Sydnee Mejia Graphic Designer
- Taz Crouch Technical Fabricator