The Spiral Cuff Health Metrics Machine goes dimensions beyond your typical drugstore blood pressure machine—several dimensions. Spiral Cuff Health Metrics divines important information about your qualitative metaphysical health using standards developed by Dramcorp's Advanced Research Team. Simply insert your arm into the spiral cuff and grab the joystick with embedded biometaphysical receivers to select from a range of symptoms from "blampf" to "ear sogginess" in order to receive your results from Drammit, our friendly pill-shaped assistant.
Spiral Cuff Health Metrics Machine Contributors
The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.
You’re on a project page within the Omega Mart Anchor Space in the Omega Mart Exhibition.
Creative Leads
- Mirabelle "Wolves" Jones Lead Artist
Creative Contributors
- Aaron Hannon Fabricator
- Angel Teague Technical Fabricator
- Billiam Rodgers Content Creator
- Brandt Peters Concept Artist
- Brian Mayhall Sound Designer
- Cristofer Brodsky Senior Fabricator
- Curtis Lee Sound Designer
- Dre' Gallegos Lead Technical Fabricator
- Elizabeth Thorp Fabricator
- Gabriella Leger-Lovato 3D Concept Artist
- Gen Hayashida Fabricator
- Geoffrey Banzhof Senior Fabricator
- Jill Mendoza Exhibition Technical Engineer
- Joseph Hecker Technical Fabricator
- Julia Strauss CAD Designer
- K80 Correll CAD Designer
- Marley Prudeaux Graphic Designer
- Sarah Jones Animator
- Sofia Howard Artist
- Taylor Hedum Technical Fabricator
- Zach Sawan Paint & Pigment Specialist