Muddy is a loser. Not meant to be stated in any kind of derogatory way, but purely, and simply as a matter of fact. Muddy feels like dirt, because, well, Muddy is in fact a sentient clod of unlucky muck.

Though one might think that being a being of down-trodden sod would be the most miserable existence anyone could endure, turns out Muddy is a pretty happy-go-lucky kinda guy. This soil is rich in spirit, so often Muddy’s buddies have called him “The Salt of the Earth.”

And boy howdy has he done it all. Diggin ditches, drivin’ backhoes, tilling, even made a little money moonlighting as the mud in mud-wrestling matches in his younger years. Of course, any amount of cash he made just slipped right through his fingers, to which he’d usually say, “Welp, that’s dust the way it goes.”

Muddy’s tab down at Cowboix Hevvven is pretty dang substantial. But Batsy doesn’t mind, as ol' Muddy really offers a ton of true grit to the institution, with his big-bellied laughter, dirty jokes (in the most literal sense), and his overall positive attitude.

Tonight, Muddy has found himself swept up in a game of five card stud poker with a real hotshot named Goldy. And much to his surprise and against all odds, he’s won himself a daggum fortune, enabling him to finally pay of all his outstanding debts, with just enough left for a few tunes on the juke, a game or two of pool, and a round of lonely stars for the bar.

But little does he know in this game of chance, Goldy was dealt a whole new hand, for a chance at a new and even richer life.

Muddy Contributors

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