Heaven is Earth 0
Heaven is Earth 1
Heaven is Earth 2
Heaven is Earth 3
Heaven is Earth 4

Radio Tave

Heaven is Earth

Located in Middling Market

Heaven is Earth calls on us to examine our role in the exploitation of our Earth. Blue plastic "trash": Bottle caps, laundry detergent tops, toothbrushes, toy sharks, and fish represent a waterfall. A sign reads “Heaven Is Earth” on one side, and the other says “Compost the System.” That view highlights our consumer detritus, as the “waterfall” is composed of cell phones, calculators, and toy cars. The viewer feels the duality in what a gift we have on our beautiful earth versus how poorly we are treating her. There is no "other" place that we "go to after we die” - heaven IS Earth.

Heaven is Earth Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the Middling Market Anchor Space in the Radio Tave Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors