The Cosmohedron is to Numina as a nucleus is to a cell. It's gray-white shell stands in stark contrast to the green world in which it resides. It appears like a sort of gargantuan shelled deep-sea creature, or like a towering armored virus. Glowing polyhedrons and spikes pulse with shifting light and glittering sparks crawl up it's sides as it shudders and grumbles with odd sounds. Bulbous apertures reveal colorful interiors, the life within spanning the macro and micro worlds. A curling frill wraps the outside, part mushroom gills and part salamander gills, serving as a staircase for us tiny humans. It's spikes sink into the roof of Numina above it, and Numina wraps around its legs down below - the two have clearly grown into one another.
Cosmohedron Contributors
The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.
You’re on a project page within the Numina Anchor Space in the Convergence Station Exhibition.
Creative Leads
- Parker Jennings Lead Artist
Creative Contributors
- Aaron Hannon Artist
- Adirondack Studios Show Set Fabrication & Installation Contractor
- Adrian Velazquez 3D Modeler
- Alexandra Campbell Artist
- Andrew England Technical Fabricator
- Anrai Pearson Artist
- Caity Kennedy Art Director
- Christina McGrady Production Manager
- Christopher Miller Technical Systems Designer
- Dani Herrera Concept Artist
- Danny Sharp Technical Fabricator
- David Kucinski Installation Manager
- Dre' Gallegos Lead Technical Integrator
- Emily Markwiese Technical Integrator
- Eric Puckett Technical Integrator
- Ezrah Bartone Technical Integrator
- Gabriella Leger-Lovato Artist
- Jessica Morrison Installation Support
- Jon Haas Lighting Designer
- Joshua Myers Production Manager
- Julia Strauss Installation Support
- K80 Correll CAD Design Manager (Computer-Aided Design)
- Karen Lembke Fabric & Sewing Specialist
- Kathryn Hannon Designer
- KHS&S Contractors Inc. Show Set Fabrication & Installation Contractor
- Leah Stevo Artist
- Les Stuck Sound Designer
- Lucian Connole Production Designer
- Maxwell Cohn Fabricator
- Rose Krayer Artist
- Samuel Taccetta Fabricator
- Sofia Howard Installation Support
- Sophia Richard Artist
- Taylor Hedum Technical Fabricator
- William Robison Digital Fabricator
- Zach Sawan Paint & Pigment Specialist