Burial Chamber of the Righteous Grand Believer 0
Burial Chamber of the Righteous Grand Believer 1
Burial Chamber of the Righteous Grand Believer 2
Burial Chamber of the Righteous Grand Believer 3

Omega Mart

Burial Chamber of the Righteous Grand Believer

Located in Seven Monolith Village

Deep in the Projected Desert lies Thali, the daughter of a Zenion Priestess. This once-hidden cave is where Thali spent her last days recording her knowledge of the source, the monoliths, and the Zenion’s relationship to it through text and pictographs. Although she died isolated from her fellow Zenions, her body was later discovered and both her remains and the cave were transformed according to Zenion burial traditions. RGB lighting activates the Zenion’s stories through wall paintings and Thali's body lies bejeweled in an ornately-decorated sarcophagus.

Burial Chamber of the Righteous Grand Believer Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the Seven Monolith Village Anchor Space in the Omega Mart Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors