Angel 0
Angel 1

Angel is a divine being of light. They are ageless, sexless, and genderless - ancient as the stars themselves. Angel can take many forms, but has settled into something that splits the difference between light and a humanoid form, resulting in a translucent shape that glimmers and glows. Angel met Batsy back in the seventies when they were sitting in as a session musician in Nashville. (Little do the session musicians of Nashville know, but they always have guardian angels in the room with them during recording, and if Angel was in the room the song was sure to be a top 40 golden country hit.) Angel and Batsy fell absolutely in love, creating an elegant balance between the dark and the light.

Time is not linear for Angel. They are ultimately a fifth dimensional being. One of the reasons they love Cowboix Hevvven so much is because the bar exists on a 4th dimensional level.

Angel plays the pedal steel in such a way that it is as though a spell of pure magic enraptures, uplifts, and changes the listener forever.

Angel Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the Cowboix Hevvven Anchor Space in the Radio Tave Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors