A lonely engineer created sentient beings out of old musical instruments and taught them to communicate via a unique musical language.
Gremlin Symphony Contributors
The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.
You’re on a project page within the C Street Anchor Space in the Convergence Station Exhibition.
Creative Leads
- Meason Wiley Lead Artist
Creative Contributors
- Adam Rosen Field Art Director
- Alison Gamache Narrative Contributor
- Angel Teague Technical Fabricator
- Aubrey Schwartz Artist
- Brandt Peters Concept Artist
- Brian DuVerneay Electrical Designer
- Brian Mayhall Composer
- Charles Huguenard Programmer
- Charles Maul Artist
- Chaz John Artist
- Chris Beran Lighting Designer
- Christina Procter Narrative Contributor
- Christopher Miller Technical Systems Designer
- Christopher Taylor Technical Project Manager
- Dani Herrera Concept Artist
- Danny Sharp Technical Fabricator
- David Mcpherson Senior Artist
- Dre' Gallegos Lead Technical Integrator
- Dylan Blanchard Composer
- Emily Markwiese Technical Integrator
- Emmett Palaima Electrical Designer
- Eric Heep Lead Programmer
- Eric Puckett Technical Integrator
- Ezrah Bartone Technical Integrator
- Geoffrey Banzhof Artist
- Iron and Metals Inc. Salvage Donor
- Jessica Vredenburg Project Manager
- Joel Bartlett Technical Fabricator
- Joseph Hecker Technical Fabricator
- Joseph Yatsky Production Designer
- Joshua Myers Production Manager
- Karen Lembke Fabric & Sewing Specialist
- Kathryn Hannon Wood Shop Manager
- Kevin Sennott Technical Fabricator
- Kevin Zoernig Piano Tuner
- Kristen Keilman Technical Fabricator
- Kristen Mancini Composer
- Lucian Connole Production Designer
- Matthew Hettich Composer
- Nathaniel Gutierrez Concept Artist
- Nicholas Toll Senior Artist
- Olivia Brown Senior Artist
- Paul Groetzinger Composer
- Rebecca Bonebrake Lighting Coordinator
- Richco Flooring Contractor
- Sahaih Escobedo Concept Artist
- William Robison Artist