Julia Strauss

Julia Strauss

Worked on The Real Unreal, Convergence Station & Omega Mart


After discovering Meow Wolf's House of Eternal Return in Santa Fe, New Mexico, I knew for certain that immersive exhibitions is where I wanted to be. I began at Meow Wolf designing projects for Omega Mart, then Denver and now our upcoming exhibits in Texas. When I'm not focused on technical design, I am creating projects as lead artist that are inspired by curious juxtapositions of feelings, textures, and folklore. I am also greatly inspired by innovative tech that allows people to blend realities. I love traveling, experiencing new cultures, and meeting new Nelsons.


Convergence Station holds a special place in my heart. I spearheaded many designs for fabrication, like Bearret and Haunted Wind Chimes, and saw them through to install. After designing for nearly 2 years, I worked on install on site for 5 months where my time was spent making Numina come to life with foliage.


From mural painting, to designing indestructible creatures out of a collection of found objects, to interactive kiosks- my range of involvement on Omega Mart was always exciting. I designed many of these projects for fabrication, interaction and install.
